Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias
Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias


THE BEST THINGS TO DO IN VALENCIA: I recently had the opportunity to visit Valencia in the off-season. Together with my two sons, we had registered for the Valencia Marathon in December 2023 and we took the opportunity to see what the city had to offer. Valencia is the third largest city in Spain, it is a port city and is located directly on the Mediterranean coast on the southeast tip of the Iberian peninsula. During our visit, we stayed downtown, and from our hotel, we did some sightseeing around various sites including the old city. We checked out various historic buildings and churches, visited several shops, and tried different Spanish dishes at several restaurants in the area.

Despite being the first week of December, the weather was still somewhat warm (Thank you Mediterranean climate!) and we were able to sit outside relatively comfortably. There were just a few evenings where it got a little chilly, but most restaurants and pubs had natural gas heaters going to keep you warm. (Being from Canada, this time of year for us back home usually means -30C)

The Author on Malvarrosa Beach
The Author Sleeping on Malvarrosa Beach, Valencia

Since we were there for the marathon, we had a chance to see several historical sites that lined the race route which wound its way through various areas of the city. Unsurprisingly, we didn’t get a chance to really explore too much of what we saw because we were busy running. However, we made up for this by sticking around for several days after the race and used the opportunity to retrace some of our steps and really look around properly, albeit with sore muscles and awkward walking gates.

From this experience, I’ve put together a list of the top things to see and do in Valencia, Spain, in the off-season. (For helpful tips and ideas see our related posts: Mediterranean Travel Guide and Mediterranean Coast of Spain)



  • Christmas Market: since we were in Valencia a few weeks before Christmas we had a chance to see the city all decked out for the season. Very nicely done, with festive lights everywhere, various displays, and street performers in various costumes everywhere entertaining the kids. There is something to be said about the way Christmas is celebrated in Europe, with an emphasis being on celebrating old traditions with my favorite being the Christmas markets where you can find all kinds of festive treats to eat and all kinds of handcrafted goods to buy
  • Malvarrosa Beach: For the week after the marathon we booked a room in a hotel at Malvarrosa Beach, directly on the Mediterranean. We lucked out with the weather and managed to get a couple of sun-filled days on the shore. Too cold to swim mind you, but warm enough to lie on the beach and get some sun. Booking rooms here in December was especially easy being in the off-season.
  • In fact, there was a 4 or 5-block area made up of just hotels that were sitting just off of the beach, along with dozens of restaurants and cafes. If you plan on visiting this beach in the summer I would strongly recommend that you book well in advance. 
Beach in Valencia, Spain,
  • City of Arts and Science (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias): The architecture of this building is quite striking and futuristic. There are interactive science exhibits, an IMAX cinema, and a large aquarium (the largest in Europe). Admittedly, I saw this venue just in passing as this was both the start and finish area of the marathon, but impressive nevertheless.
  • Mercado Central (Central Market): our hotel was just a few blocks from this large central market which had dozens of various shops with every kind of fresh produce, herbs and spices, local specialties, and various handmade crafts for sale. Needless to say, we didn’t leave empty-handed, coming home with various jams, honey, and smoked meats.
  • Valencia Cathedral: like most older European cities, there is often a central cathedral somewhere in the city and Valencia is no exception. Like most cathedrals, they served as a place of worship on the inside and provided an area for a market outside. As mentioned before we were here just in time for the Christmas markets and the square around the cathedral was no exception. 
  • Serranos Towers (Torres de Serranos): these are impressive medieval gates where you can actually climb to the top. From the top, you get a panoramic view of the city and surrounding areas. Admittedly, I only saw the gates while running by them during the marathon. I will have to revisit some time and actually climb to the top and get a first-hand look.
  • Turia Garden: Several decades ago an old river bed that ran through the city was developed into a beautiful city park that stretches for several kilometers. There are multiple playgrounds, sports facilities, and of course trees and grass. Being located in the middle of the city, it provides a beautiful natural park within a short walk for many of the city’s residents.
  • The harbor/park area (La Marina de Valencia): Located at the south end of the Malvarrosa beach, a nice area to sit and enjoy the view of the Mediterranean and the boats in the harbor. The city has done a good job with the landscaping in this park, creating a well-laid-out transition area between the beach and the harbor, providing restaurants, playgrounds, bike trails, walking paths, an amphitheater, and a park area.
  • Public Transport: Not a sightseeing venue in itself, however, it should be pointed out that the public transport in Valencia is second to none. All corners of the city (including the train stations and the airport) are easily accessible using the modern subway/train/bus system in the city, and the city provides various ticket options that are tourist-friendly. 
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  • The Valencia Marathon: Best Things To Do In Valencia – If you happen to be in Valencia, Spain, during the marathon weekend, even if you are not here to run, you should take advantage of a rare opportunity to see one of the largest gatherings of world-class marathon athletes in the world as they compete through the streets of Valencia.
  • The marathon itself has gained a reputation of having one of the fastest courses in the world and with perfect marathon weather in December (thank you Mediterranean climate), provides athletes the perfect opportunity to perhaps set the world record. The elite group that runs here is made up of the best in the world. Besides the elite runners, there is also the opportunity to cheer on the other 30000 plus marathon runners from around the world also seeking to set their personal bests or even national records back home.
  • And with so many international runners, and depending on which country you came from, you might even have the chance to cheer on someone from your own home country. (“Go Canada!”)


THE BEST THINGS TO DO IN VALENCIA: OK, our main mission was to run the marathon and we were successful in checking this off of our to-do list (You can read more about our “marathon misadventure” by clicking on the following link: “The Unprepared Runner’s Guide to the Valencia Marathon”) . Visiting the city, admittedly was an afterthought. After the race and after the adrenaline wore off, we were able to take our time and appreciate where we were and “when”. Hitting Valencia in December as the city prepared for Christmas was an added bonus we hadn’t counted on. This allowed us to see the city all decked out for Christmas and more importantly to check out the Christmas markets. This is especially nice when visiting older parts of the city decorated with a mix of old and new Christmas decorations and displays. 

Valencia is a beautiful city that has an incredible mixture of both old and new sites to see. As with most places a person visits, one week always seems to be too little time and we all agreed that we want to return to Valencia again one day. We also agreed that the next time would be in the summer when the temperature was a little warmer. We were definitely there in the off-season and the weather, though perfect for a marathon, could have been slightly warmer. Thank goodness for all of the Christmas sweets that helped take our minds off of the bitterly cold +15C. ????

Reg Auge

Reg holds an MBA, is a former Captain in the Canadian military and has worked as a consultant in industry for over 20 years. From his home in Spain, he has spent the last 10 years traveling throughout the Mediterranean, exploring the various countries and regions. He also regularly runs, windsurfs, and kite surfs, maintaining a healthy and active way of life. Captivated by this Mediterranean lifestyle, he began a Blog last year to inspire like-minded souls to learn about and discover this unique region for themselves.

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